


  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 点击住房➡️添加住房
  3. 填写所有字段并单击Submit
  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 点击我的住房➡️,然后点击编辑帖子.
  3. To add an Image, stay logged in to your edit post on your housing listing.
  4. 向下滚动并单击添加图像.
  1. 登入你的帐户
  2. Click your 房屋清单s ➡️ Select the 住房 you want to delete.
  3. On the right side, you can select delete and delete your housing listing.
  1. 选择住房
  2. 点击房屋所有者详细信息
  3. 填写并提交联系表格


  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的事件
  3. 单击“添加事件”
  4. 添加事件详细信息并提交
  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的事件
  3. 点击我的事件
  4. 选择要编辑的事件
  5. 点击编辑帖子
  6. 编辑并添加图像后,单击提交
  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的事件
  3. 点击我的事件
  4. 选择要删除的事件
  5. Then select delete on the right side of the listing
  1. 在选择事件详细信息页面之后
  2. Select one of the forms of contact (Email or Phone number) and contact the event organizer


  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的参考资料
  3. 单击“添加资源”
  4. 填写表单并单击Submit
  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的参考资料
  3. 点击我的资源
  4. 选择要编辑的资源
  5. 点击编辑帖子
  6. 编辑并添加图像后,单击提交
  1. 登录你的账户
  2. 转到仪表板上的参考资料
  3. 点击我的资源
  4. 选择需要删除的资源
  5. Then select delete on the right side of the listing
  1. 选择“资源”页签
  2. 选择您要联系的资源
  3. Select one of the forms of contact (Email or Phone number) and contact the resource organizer


  1. Click 雇主 on the top right of the home page
  2. On the employer page, click 登录 or Get Started.
  3. 在“注册帐户”下单击“雇主” & 考生-登记处
  4. 填好表格并报名
For 雇主:- 请遵循以下步骤:
1. Click on the “Account” tab from the top menu, this will take you to your employer dashboard.
2. Firstly check that you have filled all company information in “Company Profile”.
3. If you have not filled company information please click on “Company Profile” from the left side bar.
4.Fill out all the fields with relevant information about your organization/Company and click on “save”.
5. You also check these 常见问题解答s for How to update company profile “How to contact a candidate ?” And “Where to Update Company Logo, About Company and Company Benefits?”
6. If you have filled all company information and your account is still inactive and shows the message “account suspended” please contact us on contact@tamilfolksongs.com.
For 候选人:- 请遵循以下步骤:
1. Click on the “Account” tab from the top menu, this will take you to your candidate dashboard.
2. Firstly check, you have filled all information in “My Resume” And “My Profile”.
3. If you have not filled “My Resume” And “My Profile”information please click on “”My Resume” And “My Profile” from the left side bar.
4.Fill out all the fields with relevant about your Resume and click on “Update Resume” Button . Same as Fill out all the fields with relevant about your Profile and click on “save setting” Button.
5. If you have filled all “My Resume” And “My Profile” information and your account is still inactive and shows the message “account suspended” please contact us on contact@tamilfolksongs.com.
  1. 以雇主身份登录. 如果你还没有注册, 点击此处注册 现在.
  2. Once you log in as an employer, you can post a job.
  3. 如果您有任何问题,请联系(管理邮箱)
  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 单击Post a New Job
  3. 填写表单并单击Post Job
  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 转到管理作业
  3. On the job posting, you will have four icons on the right:
    • 单击铅笔图标编辑您的招聘启事
    • 点击垃圾桶删除你的招聘启事
    • 点击眼睛查看你的招聘启事
    • 点击页面图标复制到招聘启事
  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 转到主页顶部的工作选项卡.
  3. Go to the 候选人 listing page and select the candidate you want to save
  4. 单击Save 候选人按钮
  5. To view your saved candidates, go to your employer dashboard and click View Saved 候选人
  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 进入你的lol总决赛竞猜
  3. 填写你的lol总决赛竞猜信息
  4. You will be able to update your logo, benefits, and about section
  5. 完成后,单击Save Profile

1. Click on “Account” tab from the top menu, this will take you to your 雇主 Dashboard.
2. Click on “Company Profile” from the left side bar.
3. Click on “Upload company logo above the company name and select the logo from popup.
4. Click on “Company Profile” from the left side bar to update about company and benefits.
5. Go to the “Basic Information” to update About Company and go to “Other Information” to update Benefits and all other relevant information about your Organization/Company.

  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 转到管理作业
  3. On the job posting, you will have four icons on the right:
  4. 单击铅笔图标编辑您的招聘启事
  5. Within your job posting update the fields Filled Job and Application Deadline
  6. 然后,单击Update Job
  7. Check your job status and make sure your job is active. 如果不是,请联系(管理电子邮件.)
  8. Change “Application Deadline” for the job you want to show on the website.
  9. 点击“更新作业”按钮. Click on “Manage 工作” button and check status of job you have reopened if status is active job successfully reopened. However if status is expired please contact us on contact@tamilfolksongs.com

1. Click on the “Account” tab from the top menu, this will take you to your employer dashboard. 
2. 从左侧栏点击“Manage 工作”. 
3. 将鼠标悬停在要重新打开的工作上, and click on the “Edit job” icon present on the right side of the listing.
4. Click on “Filled Job” dropdown field and select “No” option. 
5. Change “Application Deadline” for the job you want to show on the website. 
6. 点击“更新作业”按钮. 
7. Click on “Manage 工作” button and check status of job you have reopened if status is active job successfully reopened. However if status is expired please contact us on contact@tamilfolksongs.com

  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 前往查看申请人
  3. 在这一页, 您可以查看您的申请人总数, 最近的申请者, 入围名单中的候选人, 被拒绝的候选人
  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 前往查看申请人
  3. On the top right of your view applicants page, click External URL Applicants or Applied Via Email

1. Click on “Account” from the top menu, this will take you to your 雇主 Dashboard.
2. Click on “All Applicants” you will see the list of candidates select the candidate and Click on “Action” button at right side of the applicant.
3. Click on ” shortlist for interview” option from drop down.

  1. 登录你的雇主账户
  2. 转到主页顶部的工作选项卡.
  3. Go to the 候选人 listing page and select the candidate you want to contact
  4. Save that candidate to your saved candidate’s list
  5. On your 雇主 Dashboard, click View Saved 候选人
  6. Select the candidate you would like to contact and message them


  1. 单击主页右上角的“候选人”
  2. 在“候选人”页面上,单击“登录”或“申请”.
  3. 在“注册帐户”下单击“雇主” & 考生-登记处
  4. 填好表格并报名
  1. 登录你的考生账号
  2. 转到主页顶部的工作选项卡
  3. When you find a job you would like to apply to click Apply for Job or Contact 雇主 (this depends on the application process the employer has chosen)
  1. 登录你的考生账号
  2. 浏览我的背景
  3. 填写表单并单击更新
  4. 然后下载你的新简历
  1. 登录你的考生账号
  2. 进入我的简历管理器
  3. 单击“上传简历”


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